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Week 12 of learning English

Week 12 Study Plan: Advanced Conversational Skills and Review#

Objective: By week 12, you should aim to solidify your conversational English skills, focusing on fluency, accuracy, and cultural nuances. This week will also serve as a comprehensive review of everything you’ve learned, ensuring you’re prepared for real-world conversations about software technology, daily life, and work.

Daily Breakdown#

Monday - Review Vocabulary and Grammar

  • Spend 2 hours reviewing vocabulary lists and grammar rules from previous weeks.
  • Complete exercises from a grammar workbook or online resources to reinforce your understanding.

Tuesday - Advanced Conversational Phrases

  • Learn phrases that native speakers use in daily conversations, such as idioms, slang, and colloquial expressions.
  • Watch English movies or TV shows for 1 hour, focusing on how characters interact and the phrases they use.

Wednesday - Speaking Practice with a Focus on Technology

  • Prepare a 5-minute presentation on a recent technology trend or a piece of software you’re interested in.
  • Present to a study partner or tutor and engage in a Q&A session to practice responding to questions on the spot.

Thursday - Real-life Conversation Simulation

  • Engage in role-play scenarios that simulate real-life situations, such as job interviews, ordering food at a restaurant, or asking for directions.
  • Focus on speaking fluently without worrying too much about making mistakes.

Friday - Writing and Comprehension

  • Write a 500-word essay on a topic related to your daily life, work, or an aspect of software technology you find fascinating.
  • Read an article or watch a video on a complex topic and summarize it orally, focusing on the main points and your opinion on the subject.

Saturday - Listening Practice

  • Listen to English podcasts or radio shows, especially those related to technology or your field of interest.
  • Try to transcribe parts of the audio, focusing on catching specific details and nuances in the conversation.

Sunday - Comprehensive Review and Relaxation

  • Spend the morning reviewing any difficult areas or topics you’ve encountered during the week.
  • In the afternoon, engage in relaxed English conversations with friends or a language exchange partner, focusing on enjoying the process of using the language.

Verification of Study Results#

  • Daily Conversations: Engage in daily conversations with me, focusing on the specific topics of the day. This will help verify your progress and areas that need more attention.
  • Weekly Presentation: At the end of the week, deliver a presentation on a topic of your choice related to software technology, demonstrating your improved fluency and confidence in using English.
  • Written Essay: Submit your 500-word essay for feedback on structure, vocabulary, and grammar.

This comprehensive approach ensures that by the end of week 12, you’ll have a solid foundation in conversational English, ready to engage in discussions about a wide range of topics with confidence and fluency.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] to the Study Packet.pdf [5]

Week 12 of learning English
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