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7 minutes
Learning English: Working from Home Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak week. Before we start, remember to download my Listening Time Podcast and become a Listening Time member at slash listening time to receive my listening practice seminars, sound training videos, and bonus podcast episodes.


Okay, today we’re gonna talk about working from home. This is a good topic because many people work remotely nowadays. Working remotely means you don’t work in an office, you stay home and you use your computer or other technology to work. I work from home and I think there are positives and negatives to this. Let’s talk about them.


First, let’s start with the positives. If you work from home, you don’t need to commute to work. You don’t have to drive to work in the morning or drive back home in the evening. This is great because you don’t have to worry about traffic in the morning and in the evening. There are many cars on the road because many people are commuting to and from work. Some people get stuck in this traffic every day.


This is one of my favorite things about working from home. It saves you a lot of time. Another thing is that you can feel more relaxed when you work from home. You can wear casual clothes, you can take breaks when you’re tired, and you can work in any room. I feel pretty comfortable working from home. It’s not too formal and I feel free. If you work in an office, there are more rules and it’s less comfortable.


One other positive about working from home is being able to spend more time with your family. For example, if you have a break, you can go in the other room and spend time with your family. When you work at an office, you don’t have your family with you, so you can’t do this. I love eating breakfast or lunch with my family when I have breaks. This is probably the best part about working from home. I can spend a lot of time with my family on weekdays and weekends.


Okay, now let’s talk about the negatives of working from home. One bad thing is that it’s easy to get distracted at home. For example, if you have young children at home with you, it can be hard to focus on your work. Children make noise and interrupt you while you’re working. This is normal. So you have to learn to manage these situations and stay focused on your work.


Another negative thing about working from home is that, sometimes you don’t know when to stop working. When you work at an office, you stop working when you leave the office, you know exactly when your workday is done. However, when you work from home, it can be hard to know when to stop each day. You don’t have your boss there to tell you when to stop.


One more negative thing about working from home is not having contact with other people. In general, it’s important to talk and interact with other people. If you work from home, you only talk to your coworkers on the computer or on the phone. This is okay, but I think it’s also good to interact with people in person. It feels good to be around people and to work with people. So in general, I like working from home, but it’s not perfect.


Okay, that’s all for today. Leave a comment and tell me if you like working from home. Before you go, remember to download the Listening Time podcast. And if you want to improve your listening, become a member at slash listening time to receive my listening practice seminars, sound training videos, and bonus podcast episodes. Also, subscribe to the channel, click on the bell and follow us on Instagram. I’ll see you next time.

Learning English: Working from Home Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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