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Learning English: Winter Vocabulary and Activities for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. Before we start, remember to download the Listening Time podcast and become a member at slash listening time to receive my listening practice seminars.


Okay, today we’re gonna talk about winter. This isn’t my favorite topic because I prefer other seasons, but it’s winter now, so let’s talk about it. In most places, the weather is cold during winter. I don’t live in a very cold area, but I still feel uncomfortable during this season. I don’t have a heating system in my apartment. This means that my apartment isn’t warm during winter. So we have to use extra blankets and wear warm clothes inside. And of course, every time we go outside, we have to wear warm clothes too.


In my city, we often have cloudy weather or sometimes rainy weather during this season. I don’t like this, but the worst part of winter is that the days are shorter. The sun goes down really early. Normally in the summer, the sun sets around 7:30 or 8pm in my city. However, in December, it sets before 5pm many people don’t like this because they don’t have many opportunities to enjoy this sunlight. When they finish working, it’s already dark outside. This can be depressing. I try to start working early in the morning so I can finish early. This way I can have some hours of sunlight after I’m done with work. In general, I love the sun, so I prefer long summer days, not short winter days.


Okay, now let’s talk about some winter activities. Of course, some of the funnest winter activities involve snow or ice. For example, it’s common to go skiing or snowboarding during this time. In the US, there are many ski resorts where people can practice these sports. If you don’t know how to ski or snowboard, you can also try sledding. Sledding is the activity where you sit on something and slide down a hill. It’s easy and fun.


Another fun thing you can do in the snow is have a snowball fight. This is where you throw balls of snow at other people. Everyone likes throwing snowballs at people.


One other winter sport is ice skating. There are many places to ice skate in the US, even in the middle of big cities. I’m terrible at ice skating, but I still think it’s fun. The only bad part is when you fall because it hurts. Trust me.


Okay, now let’s talk about winter holidays and traditions. For me, the best part of winter is Christmas. I don’t usually like holidays, but I love Christmas. My family had several Christmas traditions that I’ll always remember. For example, we always decorated the Christmas tree together with the same ornaments every year.


Another tradition that I like is going to see the beautiful lights and decorations in different neighborhoods. I’m excited to start new Christmas traditions with my own family. Many people around the world also celebrate New Year’s Eve. In the US, a lot of people turn on the TV to watch the New Year’s Eve party in New York City. I did this when I was younger, but nowadays this holiday isn’t really important to me.


I like Christmas, but not New Year’s Eve. However, when I’m with my wife’s family, I have to celebrate this holiday with them.


Okay, that’s all for today. Leave a comment and tell me your favorite thing about winter before you go, remember to download the Listening Time podcast and become a member at slash listening time to receive my Listening Practice seminars. Also, subscribe to the channel, click on the bell and follow us on Instagram. I’ll see you next time.

Learning English: Winter Vocabulary and Activities for A1 Beginners
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