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Learning English: Transportation Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey, everybody! Welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. Before we start, remember to subscribe to the channel, click on the bell, and follow us on Instagram.


You ready? So today, I’m gonna talk about transportation. This is an important topic because we all use some kind of transportation in our lives. Let’s talk about the different types of transportation.


One popular type of transportation is the subway. In other countries, people also use the words “metro” or “underground.” But in the US, we usually say “subway.” Many big cities around the world have a subway system.

一种流行的交通工具是地铁。有些国家人们也用 “metro” 和 “underground” 称呼地铁,但在美国,我们通常用 “subway”。世界上很多大城市都有地铁。

In cities like Paris, London, and Tokyo, the subway system is amazing. The subways in these cities are very organized and efficient. However, many big cities in the US don’t have good subway systems. Most people in the US drive cars, so they don’t need to take the subway. In my hometown of San Diego, we don’t have a subway system.


I like taking the subway in other countries because it’s easy. You can go anywhere in the city without a car. But in some cities, the subway stations are dirty and a little scary. You need to be careful when you take the subway.


Okay, another form of public transportation is taking the bus. Big cities have bus systems that help people move around. In some cities, buses are nice, clean, and safe. But in other cities, buses are old, dirty, and a little dangerous.


For example, in Mexico, most buses are old and uncomfortable. They can also be dangerous because many bus drivers drive really badly. They drive really fast, and they often have accidents. Most people don’t like taking the bus, but sometimes they have to. In many cities, taking the bus is cheap. If you don’t have a lot of money, the bus can be a good option.


Okay, now let’s talk about taxis and Ubers. In the past, many people took taxis, but nowadays, many people use Uber. I love using Uber. I use it all the time. An Uber is cheaper than a taxi and it’s usually safe. I always have good experiences using Uber. I’ve taken a few taxis before, but I didn’t like it. Taxis are usually expensive. In some cities, Uber is illegal, so people can’t use it. How about you? Do you use Uber in your city?


Okay, another common type of transportation is riding a bike. This is a great way to move around the city because it’s free. Riding bikes is also a healthy activity. The problem is that it’s dangerous. In some cities, the drivers are crazy. So it’s dangerous to ride a bike in the street. In other cities, there are bike lanes in the street, so it’s safer. But I think it’s always a little dangerous to ride a bike in the city.


One more type of transportation is walking. This is my favorite type of transportation because it’s easy, free, and fun. I love walking because I love being outside. I think everyone should try to walk more.


All right, that’s all for today. Leave a comment and tell me what type of transportation you prefer. And remember to subscribe to the channel, click on the bell, and follow us on Instagram for more English tips and lessons. I’ll see you next time.

Learning English: Transportation Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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