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Learning English: Supermarket Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. Before we start, remember to subscribe to the channel, click on the bell, and follow us on Instagram. You ready?


So today, I’m going to talk about the supermarket. This is a useful topic because most people buy food from supermarkets. One important note: in the US, many people use the phrase “grocery store” instead of “supermarket.” I usually say “grocery store,” but you can use both.

今天,我想聊聊超市。这是个很有用的主题,因为大家都去超市购买食物。有一点要说明一下,很多美国人用 “grocery store” 代替 “supermarket”。我一般也说 “grocery store”,但你都可以说。

So first, let’s talk about big supermarkets. The most famous supermarket is Walmart. Walmart is really big and sells many items. They sell food, clothes, electronics, furniture, and much more. Walmart has everything. In big supermarkets, there are a lot of cheap items. Personally, I don’t like big supermarkets. I prefer smaller supermarkets because they often have better products.


I like to buy organic food, so I search for small organic stores. These stores are usually more expensive than big supermarkets. Organic food is more expensive than non-organic food, but I think it’s worth the price.


In big supermarkets, I can’t find the products I like. That’s why I go to small local stores. There are also some very small supermarkets, too. We call these “convenience stores.” For example, 7-11 is a convenience store. These stores sell some food and drinks, but they don’t have a lot of items. I go to convenience stores when I need to buy just one or two items, but I don’t usually shop at convenience stores. They don’t have all the items that I need.

我喜欢去本地小超市购物,因为大超市找不到想要的商品。有一些很小的商店我们称之为 “便利店”。比如:十足就是便利店。这些店卖一些食物和饮料,但它们的商品不多。当我只想买一两个东西时会去便利店,但我不经常在便利店消费。那里没有我想要的所有商品。

How about you? Do you prefer big supermarkets, small supermarkets, or convenience stores? Some people don’t go to supermarkets. They buy their groceries online. Nowadays, you can buy everything online. You order it, and someone brings it to your house. This is becoming a popular option. I order some items online, but I don’t order food online.


Okay, now let’s learn some important supermarket vocabulary. Our first vocabulary word is “cart.” When you enter a grocery store, you grab a cart. You put all of your items in your cart while you’re shopping. Or if you’re only buying a few items, you can use a basket, which you carry.

现在,我们聊聊关于超市的词汇。第一个是 “cart”,当你进入一家杂货店时,你拿一辆购物车。你在购物时把所有商品都放进你的购物车。或者如果你只买几样东西,你可以使用一个篮子,你带着它。

Our next word is “aisles.” Aisles are the rows of products in a store. You walk up and down the aisles when you go shopping.

我们的下一个词汇是 “aisles” 。过道是商店里产品排列成的行。当你去购物时,你会在过道里来回走动。

The next phrase is “on sale.” When an item is on sale, this means that it has a lower price than normal. I love when items are on sale.

下一句是 “on sale”。当一个商品打折时,这意味着它的价格比正常价格低。我喜欢商品打折的时候。

Okay, one more word: “cashier.” The cashier is the person that you pay when you’re done shopping. In the US, cashiers are usually friendly. Nowadays, in some supermarkets, you can pay without a cashier. This is called “self-checkout.” Some people prefer cashiers, and other people prefer the self-checkout option. I like both options.


Alright, that’s all for today. Leave a comment and tell me where you buy your food. And remember to subscribe to the channel, click on the bell, and follow us on Instagram for more English tips and lessons. I’ll see you next time.

Learning English: Supermarket Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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