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9 minutes
Learning English: Summer Activities and Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. And remember to sign up for our $1 Listening Practice seminars at and download our free Listening Time podcast so you can practice your listening skills.


So today, I’m gonna talk about summer for some of you, it’s summer now, and for others, it’s winter. Here where I live, it’s the summer season now.


So first, let’s talk about summer weather. In most countries, this is the hottest time of year. In cold countries, summer is the only time of year when it’s hot. In tropical countries, there isn’t much difference between the seasons, but summer is definitely hot.


I really like hot, sunny weather. Some people don’t like this weather, so they prefer other seasons. How about you? Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Also, in some places, summer is the rainy season. Where I live now, it rains a lot in the summer. I don’t like this. I grew up in Southern California where it doesn’t rain a lot. So I’m used to blue skies and sunny weather. For me, rainy weather isn’t fun. I like to go outside and do activities, but it’s hard to do this when it’s raining.


Let’s talk about some summer activities that people like to do. During the hot summer days. Many people like going to the beach. The water is usually warmer during this season, so it’s a good time to swim. Some people like to lie on the sand and enjoy the hot sun, but I don’t do this. I sometimes like swimming at the beach, but I definitely don’t sunbathe. I get sunburned very easily.


Another thing that many Americans do in the summer is have barbecues. This season is perfect for barbecues, because you can spend the afternoon outside with your family and friends. The kids can run around and play while the adults relax and talk. And of course, everyone enjoys eating good food at barbecues. I love eating hamburgers and hot dogs outside on warm from summer days.


Also, many Americans have swimming pools, so the summer months are a great time to use them. When I was a kid, my family always went in the pool during this time of year. I have great memories of playing with my sister and my friends in our pool. It’s always fun to go in the pool during the summer. People who don’t have swimming pools can go to public pools. In big cities, there are usually public swimming pools where you can go during the summer or during other months.


One other popular summer activity in the US is camping. Summer is the perfect time to go camping, because you don’t get too cold at night. Usually people sleep outside in tents when they camp. So it’s better to do this activity when it’s warm. I’ve camped in the summer and in the winter, but it’s definitely better in the summer. A lot of people go hiking when they camp, which is also better in the summer, in my opinion.


All right, now let’s talk about summer vacation in the US, children usually have a long break from school during the summer. When I was in elementary school and middle school, I had two and a half months of summer vacation. The school year ended in the middle of June, and the next school year began in September. This is a long break. I had time to do many things during these months. Many American children go to summer camp during this break. There are many types of summer camps where kids do fun activities, learn new things and spend time outdoors. I went to a few sports summer camps when I was a kid. Also, many people travel during this season, because children don’t have to go to school.


Summer is also a good time to travel because of the good weather. But the bad thing about traveling in the summer is that many touristic places are crowded at this time. This means that there are many people there, so I prefer to travel during other seasons.


All right, now I’m gonna ask you some questions about the video to see if you understood. Write your answers in a comment down below.


No. 1, what’s one summer activity?

No.2, where do people sleep when they go camping?

No. 3, what’s one bad thing about traveling during the summer?

Okay, before we go, remember to sign up for our $1 Listening Practice seminars and download the Listening Time podcast so you can practice your listening skills. And of course, subscribe to the channel, click on the bell and follow us on Instagram. I’ll see you next time.

Learning English: Summer Activities and Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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