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Learning English: Social Media Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. Before we start, remember to subscribe to the channel, click on the bell, and follow us on Instagram.


So today I’m gonna talk about social media. Nowadays, many people have social media apps on their phones and computers. Many people use social media to communicate with their friends and family. They also use social media for many other things. Let’s talk about the different social media apps.


The most famous app is Facebook. Facebook is very popular all around the world. People all around the world use Facebook every day. They use Facebook on their computers and they use Facebook on their phones. I think more people use Facebook on their phones, not their computers. Facebook was invented in 2004, but it wasn’t popular then. I started using Facebook in 2010. When did you start using Facebook?

最出名的APP是Facebook,在全世界都很受欢迎。全世界的人每天都在使用Facebook,不管是手机端还是PC端。我认为大多数人是在手机端使用。Facebook 创办于2004年,但那时候还不流行。我是在2010年开始用的。你呢?你知道如何使用Facebook吗?


So let’s talk about what you can do on Facebook. First of all, you can use it to post text, pictures, and videos. When you post something, all your friends can see it. I don’t post much on Facebook. You can also use Facebook to send messages. You can send messages to one person or to a group. You can also follow people and pages on Facebook. I follow some news pages, so I can see the news on Facebook. You can do many things on this app, but I don’t really like Facebook.

让我们好好聊聊你可以在Facebook上做些什么。首先,你可以用它发布文字、照片和视频。当你发布内容时你所有的朋友都可以看到。我不怎么发。你也可以把Facebook当微信用,你可以把消息发给某个人或某个群。你可以关注某个人或某个人的朋友圈。我关注了一些新闻主页,所以我可以在Facebook上看新闻。你可以在这个APP上做任何事情,但我不怎么喜欢 用。

Okay, so now let’s talk about Instagram. Instagram is the most popular app for young people. Use this app to post pictures and videos. If you like pictures, then you’ll probably like Instagram. I don’t like Facebook, but I do like Instagram. I like it because it’s fun to look at photos on Instagram. You can follow other people to see their pictures.

好的,下面我们聊聊 Instagram。这个APP在年轻人中很流行。可以用它发布图片和视频。如果你喜欢看图片,你大概率会喜欢这个APP。我很喜欢Instagram,因为在这上面看图片很有趣。你可以关注别人,看他们的图片。

Some people like following celebrities and other famous people. I don’t really like following celebrities. How about you? Do you follow any celebrities on Instagram? Another thing you can do on Instagram is post an Instagram story. You can post many photos and videos to your story. I don’t usually post on Instagram, but I look at other people’s posts. I think that Instagram is better than Facebook.


Okay, so another social media app that people use is Twitter. I don’t have Twitter, so I don’t really know how to use it. But I know that it’s a very popular app all around the world. Many people use this app to follow the news. People post news stories on Twitter. I don’t need a Twitter account because I can read the news on Facebook.

另一个人们喜欢用的 APP 叫 X 。我没有 X 账号,所以我不知道怎么用。但我知道这是个在全世界都很流行的APP。很多人用这个APP浏览新闻。人们在X上发布新闻。我不需要X账号因为我可以在Facebook上看新闻。

Another app that young people use is Snapchat. I had Snapchat when I was younger, but now I don’t. People use Snapchat to send pictures and short videos to each other. Then these pictures and videos disappear after you view them.

另一人年轻人很喜欢的是 Snapchat. 我年轻的时候也用 Snapchat 但现在不用了。人们用 Snapchat 互相发送图片和短视频。这此图片和视频在你查询后会消失。

There are many other social media apps, too. The world loves social media.


Learning English: Social Media Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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