1429 words
7 minutes
Learning English: Organization Tips and Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey English learners, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and learn new words and phrases.


Today we’re gonna talk about being organized. This is an important topic. If we’re organized, it makes our lives easier.


Before we start, remember to download my free Listening Time podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other podcast app so you can practice your English. The link is in the description below.


Okay, let’s talk about being organized. You might wonder why this is important. Well, being organized helps us feel less stressed and more in control. Let’s talk about a few ways we can be more organized.


First, it’s helpful to make lists. Lists are like your map for the day. You can write down what you need to do, like chores or homework. This helps you remember everything and feel more organized. And it feels great to check things off your list when you’re done with them. It’s also important to set priorities. This means deciding what’s most important and doing those things first.


So you can look at your list and see which tasks need to be prioritized. This helps you manage your time better and not feel overwhelmed.


Keeping your room and your workspace tidy is important, too. Imagine trying to find something in a messy room — It’s hard.


Keeping your bedroom, your office and your desk tidy helps you find things more easily. It also helps you feel calmer and more focused.


Another thing that can help you be organized is using a calendar. This can help you remember important dates, like birthdays and appointments. You can write these things on the calendar so that you don’t forget. You can also use your calendar on your phone and set reminders there. This is a fantastic way to stay organized.


And lastly, one other tip is to plan ahead. If you plan your next day or your next week, you’ll know what to do on those days. If you don’t have a plan, you might feel disorganized and you might not know what you need to do. So having a plan that you can follow can really help. So those are some easy ways to keep your life organized every day, making lists, setting priorities, keeping your space tidy, using a calendar, and planning ahead. If you do all of this, you might feel less stressed and more in control.


Let’s review some of the words in this video that I used that might be new for you. The word “chores” refers to tasks that you do at home, like doing the laundry and cleaning the bathroom.

让我们回顾一下这个视频中我使用的一些可能对你们来说是新词的词汇。“chores” 这个词指的是你在家里做的一些任务,比如洗衣服和清洁浴室。

The phrase “check things off your list” means that you have a list of tasks to do, and when you finish them, you make a Mark like this on your list.

“check things off your list” 这个短语意味着你有一张任务清单,当你完成它们时,你会在你的清单上做一个像这样的标记。

When you feel “overwhelmed”, this means that you feel bad because you can’t handle something. It’s too much for you.

当你感到 “overwhelmed” 时,这意味着你因为无法处理某件事而感到糟糕。这对你来说太多了。

The word “tidy” means organized and clean. You should try to keep your room tidy.

“tidy” 这个词意味着整洁有序。你应该尽量保持你的房间整洁。

And “messy” means the opposite. This means that things are disorganized and not clean.

而 “messy” 意味着相反。这意味着事物是无组织的,不干净的。

Okay, I hope you enjoyed this Listening Practice video. Remember to download my free Listening Time podcast if you wanna practice your English. The link is in the description below. And you can also join my membership if you want my training to help you understand fast English. The link to that is also down below. Alright, thank you for watching and I’ll talk to you in the next video.

Learning English: Organization Tips and Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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