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6 minutes
Learning English: New Year's Resolutions Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. You ready?


So today, I’m going to talk about New Year’s resolutions. What is a New Year’s resolution? This is a goal or an objective that you have for the next year. When it’s the end of the year; some people make New Year’s resolutions. They want to have a good year and do many things. Let’s talk about some common resolutions.


One common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. Many people plan to lose weight during the New Year. This is a good resolution. It can help you be healthy. It’s not easy to lose weight, though. It can be difficult. You need to eat healthy food, and you need to exercise. Many people go to the gym in January because their New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. But not everyone reaches their goal. Many people quit.


Okay, another common New Year’s resolution is to study English more. This is a good New Year’s resolution. Some people want to learn English to help their career. If you speak English, you can have better opportunities. For some jobs, you need to speak English. And for other jobs, you need to read and write in English. English is important for many jobs. Maybe English will help your career too. This year, my goal is also to study more languages.


Alright, another common New Year’s resolution is to read more books. Some people are very busy, so they don’t read a lot. Other people are not good at reading, but they want to improve. And some people don’t like reading, but they need to read. Many people have the New Year’s resolution to read more. I think that’s good. I want to read more, too. I want to read many books this year. How many books do you want to read this year? Maybe you can read books in English this year. That’s a good resolution.


Okay, another common New Year’s resolution is to learn a new activity. This is a fun one. There are many activities that you can learn. Some people learn a new sport. Other people learn a skill. It’s good to learn new things. Maybe you can take a class to learn something new. There are many classes that teach you different skills. You can look for classes in your city.


Another common New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking. This is not a fun resolution, but it’s good. I don’t smoke, so I don’t need to quit. But I could stop other bad habits. For example, I eat a lot of sugar. So maybe I should eat less sugar this year. Or maybe I should eat more vegetables.


These are good resolutions. There are many different New Year’s resolutions. I think this is good because people want to accomplish goals. It’s good to accomplish goals. Okay, that’s all for today. Leave a comment and tell me if you have a resolution for this year. I’ll see you next time.


Learning English: New Year's Resolutions Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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