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Learning English: Free Time Activities Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. Before we start, remember to subscribe to the channel, click on the bell, and follow us on Instagram. You ready?


So today I’m gonna talk about free time. This is a good topic because everyone enjoys having free time. I love having free time and you probably do too.


So first, let’s talk about how much free time people have. Most children have more free time than adults. When you’re a kid, you don’t have the responsibilities that an adult has. Adults have to work, pay the bills, and take care of their children. Kids usually don’t have to do these things. Kids usually have to go to school and do homework. This can be difficult, but it’s usually not that difficult. So children have more free time.


When I was a kid, I had a lot of free time. I got home from school around 2 or 3 pm, and after that, I played a lot on weekdays. From Monday to Friday, I probably had around four or five hours of free time each day. Sometimes I got bored because I had so much free time. But as I got older, I had more homework each year. So each year I had a little less free time. I didn’t have too much homework, though. In the US, we don’t get that much homework. In some other countries, children have a lot of homework.


I’m glad that my school work wasn’t very hard. On weekends, I had even more free time on Saturday and Sunday. I did many activities. Weekends were the best because I had all day to play and rest. I really liked weekends and I still do.


Now that I’m an adult, I don’t have a lot of free time. I have to work and do many other things. I usually start working early, like at 7:00am or 7:30am. So I have to wake up around 6:00am. When I was a kid, I slept more. I usually slept for 8 hours every night. As an adult, I don’t sleep 8 hours every night. I usually get seven hours or seven and a half hours of sleep. How about you? How many hours of sleep do you get? So after I finish work, I have some free time in the evening. However, I usually do some extra work or studying during this time. I have to make these YouTube videos and Instagram videos. And I also study foreign languages. At night, I have some free time to just relax. My wife and I spend the evenings together and enjoy this time.


Okay, now let’s talk about some popular activities that people do in their free time. For example, many people like to play sports or exercise in their free time. When I was a kid, I played a lot of sports. I played basketball, baseball, tennis, soccer, football, and golf. I really liked playing sports in my free time. But as an adult, I don’t play any sports. I’m not very interested in playing sports nowadays. However, I exercise in my free time. I work out almost every day, but just for a short time. Other people spend a lot of time exercising.


So another activity that people do in their free time is watch TV shows and movies. Many people do this in their free time. I know some people who watch many hours of TV every day. I don’t watch a lot of TV or movies. I really like playing games in my free time. I play chess online, but I’m not very good. I also like playing board games with my family. We play games like Katan and code names. Do you like playing board games?


One last activity that most people do in their free time is surf the internet. This is probably the most common activity that people do. I spend a lot of time on the internet. Some days I spend too much time on the internet. It’s not good to spend all day inside on the computer. We should try to go outside and do other activities too. But the internet is very entertaining, so it’s easy to spend many hours surfing the web.


Okay, now I’m gonna ask you some questions about the video to see if you understood. Write your answers in a comment down below.


No. 1, what time did I get home from school when I was a kid?

No. 2, how many hours do I sleep each night?

No. 3, what game do I like playing online?

Alright, remember to subscribe to the channel, click on the bell, and follow us on Instagram for more English tips and lessons. I’ll see you next time.

Learning English: Free Time Activities Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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