1348 words
7 minutes
Learning English: Daily Routine Vocabulary for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. You ready?


So today I’m going to talk about my daily routine. My routine is different on weekdays and weekends. I’ll tell you about my routine on weekdays.


So I normally wake up at about 6 or 6:00 am. I like waking up early. I don’t like getting up late. When I wake up, the first thing I do is read my Bible. Then I study languages for a little while. Currently, I’m studying Indonesian. I like to study in the morning because I feel motivated. Other people prefer studying in the evening. Do you like studying in the morning, afternoon, or evening?


So after I study, I usually eat some fruit. This is my first food of the day. Then I start my work. I usually start working at 7:30 am. Most other people start at 8 am or 9 am. I like starting early though.


I’m an English teacher and I teach many students. I have different students every day. Some days I have many classes and other days I have fewer classes. Most of my students are from Brazil and Russia, but I have students from many other countries too. Every day I talk to people from all over the world. This is really fun. I love my job.


So during my workday, I have some breaks. Sometimes I have a 30-minute break between classes. During my breaks, I eat, study, and hang out with my wife. My last class usually ends at 4:30 or 5:00 pm. Many Americans get off work at 5:00 pm.


After I get off work, I eat dinner. My wife cooks dinner every weekday, so we eat at home. I’m always hungry when I finish work. In the US, people eat dinner early, like at 6:00 pm. This is very common. In other countries, people eat dinner late, like at 9:00 pm. I don’t like this. For us, dinner is the biggest meal of the day. We eat a lot for dinner. My wife and I eat meat, vegetables, and other food.


Some days I exercise in the evening, too. I don’t exercise every day, only some days. I should exercise more, though. After I exercise and eat dinner, I eat dessert. I normally have milk and cookies. I love milk and cookies. After dessert, I study my languages more. Then I spend time with my wife. Lastly, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed. I usually go to bed at 10:00 pm. So that’s my normal routine on weekdays.

有些日子我也会在晚上锻炼。我不是每天都锻炼,只有几天。不过,我应该多运动。运动和吃晚饭后,我吃甜点。我通常吃牛奶和饼干。我喜欢牛奶和饼干。吃完甜点后,我更多地学习我的语言。然后我花时间和我的妻子在一起。最后,我洗个澡,刷牙,准备睡觉。我通常在晚上 10:00 上床睡觉。这就是我平日的例行公事。

I like to have a consistent routine. I plan my days, and I try to follow my plan. Some people don’t like planning their days. They prefer to do different things every day. I like doing different things too, but I like having a general plan to follow. If I don’t have a general plan, I feel lost.


I like having a daily routine. However, on the weekends, I do many different activities. My weekends are very different from my weekdays, but I always wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. That doesn’t change. I like to start and end every day at the same time.


Learning English: Daily Routine Vocabulary for A1 Beginners
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