1833 words
9 minutes

Substrate是一个强大而灵活的区块链开发框架,由Parity Technologies团队开发,旨在简化和加速区块链的创建过程。它与Polkadot有着密切的关系,但同时也是一个独立的工具。让我们深入了解Substrate及其与Polkadot的联系。



  1. 可扩展性:Substrate允许开发者根据特定需求创建定制化的区块链。
  2. 模块化:框架采用高度模块化的设计,开发者可以轻松组合和定制各种组件。
  3. 灵活性:支持多种共识机制、加密算法和治理模型。
  4. 性能优化:Substrate经过优化,可以处理高吞吐量和复杂的区块链操作。
  5. 跨链兼容性:原生支持与其他基于Substrate的链进行互操作。



  1. 技术基础:Polkadot本身就是使用Substrate构建的,这证明了Substrate的强大功能和灵活性。
  2. 平行链开发:Substrate是开发Polkadot生态系统中平行链的首选工具。
  3. 互操作性:基于Substrate构建的链可以轻松地与Polkadot网络集成,成为一条平行链或平行线程。
  4. 独立性:尽管与Polkadot紧密相连,但Substrate构建的链也可以作为独立的区块链运行,不必连接到Polkadot网络。
  5. 生态系统共享:Substrate项目可以利用Polkadot的安全性、跨链通信能力和不断增长的生态系统。


  1. 快速开发:Substrate提供了许多预建模块,大大缩短了区块链开发时间。
  2. 定制化:开发者可以根据特定用例优化其区块链,而不受现有平台的限制。
  3. 升级性:Substrate支持无分叉升级,允许区块链随时间演进而不中断。
  4. 互操作性:原生支持跨链通信,特别是在Polkadot生态系统中。
  5. 社区支持:作为开源项目,Substrate拥有活跃的开发者社区和丰富的资源。




Waiting for


git clone 
cd polkadot-sdk-solo-template-dev-courses
cargo build --release


root@localhost:~/code/substrate/polkadot-sdk-solo-template-dev-courses# ./target/release/solochain-template-node -h
A solochain node template built with Substrate, part of Polkadot Sdk.

Usage: solochain-template-node [OPTIONS]
       solochain-template-node <COMMAND>

  key            Key management cli utilities
  build-spec     Build a chain specification
  check-block    Validate blocks
  export-blocks  Export blocks
  export-state   Export the state of a given block into a chain spec
  import-blocks  Import blocks
  purge-chain    Remove the whole chain
  revert         Revert the chain to a previous state
  benchmark      Sub-commands concerned with benchmarking
  try-runtime    Try-runtime has migrated to a standalone CLI (<>). The subcommand exists as a stub and deprecation notice. It will be removed entirely some time after January 2024
  chain-info     Db meta columns information
  help           Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --validator                                                                                Enable validator mode
      --no-grandpa                                                                               Disable GRANDPA
      --rpc-external                                                                             Listen to all RPC interfaces (default: local)
      --unsafe-rpc-external                                                                      Listen to all RPC interfaces
      --rpc-methods <METHOD SET>                                                                 RPC methods to expose. [default: auto] [possible values: auto, safe, unsafe]
      --rpc-rate-limit <RPC_RATE_LIMIT>                                                          RPC rate limiting (calls/minute) for each connection
      --rpc-max-request-size <RPC_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE>                                              Set the maximum RPC request payload size for both HTTP and WS in megabytes [default: 15]
      --rpc-max-response-size <RPC_MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE>                                            Set the maximum RPC response payload size for both HTTP and WS in megabytes [default: 15]
      --rpc-max-subscriptions-per-connection <RPC_MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS_PER_CONNECTION>              Set the maximum concurrent subscriptions per connection [default: 1024]
      --rpc-port <PORT>                                                                          Specify JSON-RPC server TCP port
      --rpc-max-connections <COUNT>                                                              Maximum number of RPC server connections [default: 100]
      --rpc-message-buffer-capacity-per-connection <RPC_MESSAGE_BUFFER_CAPACITY_PER_CONNECTION>  The number of messages the RPC server is allowed to keep in memory [default: 64]
      --rpc-disable-batch-requests                                                               Disable RPC batch requests
      --rpc-max-batch-request-len <LEN>                                                          Limit the max length per RPC batch request
      --rpc-cors <ORIGINS>                                                                       Specify browser *origins* allowed to access the HTTP & WS RPC servers
      --name <NAME>                                                                              The human-readable name for this node
      --no-telemetry                                                                             Disable connecting to the Substrate telemetry server
      --telemetry-url <URL VERBOSITY>                                                            The URL of the telemetry server to connect to
      --prometheus-port <PORT>                                                                   Specify Prometheus exporter TCP Port
      --prometheus-external                                                                      Expose Prometheus exporter on all interfaces
      --no-prometheus                                                                            Do not expose a Prometheus exporter endpoint
      --max-runtime-instances <MAX_RUNTIME_INSTANCES>                                            The size of the instances cache for each runtime [max: 32] [default: 8]
      --runtime-cache-size <RUNTIME_CACHE_SIZE>                                                  Maximum number of different runtimes that can be cached [default: 2]
      --offchain-worker <ENABLED>                                                                Execute offchain workers on every block [default: when-authority] [possible values: always, never, when-authority]
      --enable-offchain-indexing <ENABLE_OFFCHAIN_INDEXING>                                      Enable offchain indexing API [default: false] [possible values: true, false]
      --chain <CHAIN_SPEC>                                                                       Specify the chain specification
      --dev                                                                                      Specify the development chain
  -d, --base-path <PATH>                                                                         Specify custom base path
  -l, --log <LOG_PATTERN>...                                                                     Sets a custom logging filter (syntax: `<target>=<level>`)
      --detailed-log-output                                                                      Enable detailed log output
      --disable-log-color                                                                        Disable log color output
      --enable-log-reloading                                                                     Enable feature to dynamically update and reload the log filter
      --tracing-targets <TARGETS>                                                                Sets a custom profiling filter
      --tracing-receiver <RECEIVER>                                                              Receiver to process tracing messages [default: log] [possible values: log]
      --state-pruning <PRUNING_MODE>                                                             Specify the state pruning mode
      --blocks-pruning <PRUNING_MODE>                                                            Specify the blocks pruning mode [default: archive-canonical]
      --database <DB>                                                                            Select database backend to use [possible values: rocksdb, paritydb, auto, paritydb-experimental]
      --db-cache <MiB>                                                                           Limit the memory the database cache can use
      --wasm-execution <METHOD>                                                                  Method for executing Wasm runtime code [default: compiled] [possible values: interpreted-i-know-what-i-do, compiled]
      --wasmtime-instantiation-strategy <STRATEGY>                                               The WASM instantiation method to use [default: pooling-copy-on-write] [possible values: pooling-copy-on-write, recreate-instance-copy-on-write, pooling,
      --wasm-runtime-overrides <PATH>                                                            Specify the path where local WASM runtimes are stored
      --execution-syncing <STRATEGY>                                                             Runtime execution strategy for importing blocks during initial sync [possible values: native, wasm, both, native-else-wasm]
      --execution-import-block <STRATEGY>                                                        Runtime execution strategy for general block import (including locally authored blocks) [possible values: native, wasm, both, native-else-wasm]
      --execution-block-construction <STRATEGY>                                                  Runtime execution strategy for constructing blocks [possible values: native, wasm, both, native-else-wasm]
      --execution-offchain-worker <STRATEGY>                                                     Runtime execution strategy for offchain workers [possible values: native, wasm, both, native-else-wasm]
      --execution-other <STRATEGY>                                                               Runtime execution strategy when not syncing, importing or constructing blocks [possible values: native, wasm, both, native-else-wasm]
      --execution <STRATEGY>                                                                     The execution strategy that should be used by all execution contexts [possible values: native, wasm, both, native-else-wasm]
      --trie-cache-size <Bytes>                                                                  Specify the state cache size [default: 67108864]
      --state-cache-size <STATE_CACHE_SIZE>                                                      DEPRECATED: switch to `--trie-cache-size`
      --bootnodes <ADDR>...                                                                      Specify a list of bootnodes
      --reserved-nodes <ADDR>...                                                                 Specify a list of reserved node addresses
      --reserved-only                                                                            Whether to only synchronize the chain with reserved nodes
      --public-addr <PUBLIC_ADDR>...                                                             Public address that other nodes will use to connect to this node
      --listen-addr <LISTEN_ADDR>...                                                             Listen on this multiaddress
      --port <PORT>                                                                              Specify p2p protocol TCP port
      --no-private-ip                                                                            Always forbid connecting to private IPv4/IPv6 addresses
      --allow-private-ip                                                                         Always accept connecting to private IPv4/IPv6 addresses
      --out-peers <COUNT>                                                                        Number of outgoing connections we're trying to maintain [default: 8]
      --in-peers <COUNT>                                                                         Maximum number of inbound full nodes peers [default: 32]
      --in-peers-light <COUNT>                                                                   Maximum number of inbound light nodes peers [default: 100]
      --no-mdns                                                                                  Disable mDNS discovery (default: true)
      --max-parallel-downloads <COUNT>                                                           Maximum number of peers from which to ask for the same blocks in parallel [default: 5]
      --node-key <KEY>                                                                           Secret key to use for p2p networking
      --node-key-type <TYPE>                                                                     Crypto primitive to use for p2p networking [default: ed25519] [possible values: ed25519]
      --node-key-file <FILE>                                                                     File from which to read the node's secret key to use for p2p networking
      --discover-local                                                                           Enable peer discovery on local networks
      --kademlia-disjoint-query-paths                                                            Require iterative Kademlia DHT queries to use disjoint paths
      --kademlia-replication-factor <KADEMLIA_REPLICATION_FACTOR>                                Kademlia replication factor [default: 20]
      --ipfs-server                                                                              Join the IPFS network and serve transactions over bitswap protocol
      --sync <SYNC_MODE>                                                                         Blockchain syncing mode. [default: full] [possible values: full, fast, fast-unsafe, warp]
      --max-blocks-per-request <COUNT>                                                           Maximum number of blocks per request [default: 64]
      --pool-limit <COUNT>                                                                       Maximum number of transactions in the transaction pool [default: 8192]
      --pool-kbytes <COUNT>                                                                      Maximum number of kilobytes of all transactions stored in the pool [default: 20480]
      --tx-ban-seconds <SECONDS>                                                                 How long a transaction is banned for
      --keystore-path <PATH>                                                                     Specify custom keystore path
      --password-interactive                                                                     Use interactive shell for entering the password used by the keystore
      --password <PASSWORD>                                                                      Password used by the keystore
      --password-filename <PATH>                                                                 File that contains the password used by the keystore
      --alice                                                                                    Shortcut for `--name Alice --validator`
      --bob                                                                                      Shortcut for `--name Bob --validator`
      --charlie                                                                                  Shortcut for `--name Charlie --validator`
      --dave                                                                                     Shortcut for `--name Dave --validator`
      --eve                                                                                      Shortcut for `--name Eve --validator`
      --ferdie                                                                                   Shortcut for `--name Ferdie --validator`
      --one                                                                                      Shortcut for `--name One --validator`
      --two                                                                                      Shortcut for `--name Two --validator`
      --force-authoring                                                                          Enable authoring even when offline
      --tmp                                                                                      Run a temporary node
  -h, --help                                                                                     Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version                                                                                  Print version


./target/release/solochain-template-node --dev --rpc-external  --rpc-cors all
# 运行节点后默认占用9944端口,并且因为这是本地开发节点,只支持本地RPC,ws


访问前端页面,点击选择development的local node











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