1286 words
6 minutes
Learning English: Tips and Tricks for A1 Beginners

Hey everybody, welcome to this A1 English listening practice video. You can use this video to train your listening and comprehension as I speak.

大家好,欢迎观看这个 A1 级别的英语练习视频。你可以用这个视频练习你的听力和英语理解能力。

You ready? So today I’m going to talk about language learning. If you’re watching this video, you’re probably learning English. So I hope this is an interesting topic for you.


Language learning is hard, and if you learn a language, you need to spend a lot of time studying. This is the most important part of learning a language: time. If you don’t spend a lot of time studying, you won’t learn English. Language learning takes time.


I am a language teacher, but I’m also a language learner. I learn languages because it’s fun for me, and I love talking to people from other countries. This is the best part about learning another language: You can talk to many people and make new friends. I talk to people from many different countries. This is the fun part of learning languages. But language learning is not easy.


Sometimes I get sad or frustrated when I can’t understand somebody. I also get nervous when I talk to people in other languages. but that’s okay, it’s normal to get sad or frustrated or nervous when you learn another language.


This is normal. Sometimes I make big mistakes when I’m speaking other languages. I make mistakes with grammar, with vocabulary, and with pronunciation. But this is normal. Everybody makes mistakes when they speak other languages. If you don’t make mistakes, you won’t improve. To improve, To get better, you need to make mistakes. You need to talk, you need to practice, you need to have fun. So don’t worry about your mistakes. Have fun with English.


If you don’t have fun, it is harder to learn English. So here are some tips to have fun with English.


No. 1, read books in English that are interesting for you. Don’t read boring books. Find books that you like. For example, if you like sports, read books in English about sports. If you like animals, read books in English about animals. And if you like technology, read books in English about technology. I love fiction, so I read fiction books in other languages. This helps me have fun and learn.


Tip No. 2, watch videos in English that are interesting for you. If you like fashion and clothes, watch YouTube videos about fashion in English. If you like cars, watch YouTube videos about cars in English. It’s important to read and watch things that are interesting for you.

第二,看你感兴趣的英文视频 ,如果你喜欢时尚和服装,就看时尚相关的英语视频。如果你喜欢汽车,就看汽车相关的英语视频。阅读和观看感兴趣的英语内容很重要。

Okay, tip No. 3, make friends who speak English and make friends who are learning English. I know it’s not easy to make friends, but it will help you learn and practice your English. Find an English practice group in your city. You can look for an English practice group on If you can practice your English with friends, it will help you a lot.

第三,去跟说英语和学英语的人交朋友。我知道这很难,但这对你学英语很有帮助。在你所有城市中找到学英语的组织,你也可以在meetup.com上找到。如果你能和朋友一起练习英语,那会对你有很大的帮助。(这里推荐 Toastmasters 俱乐部,国内大多数城市都有,如果你找不到,给我发私信或评论告诉我你所在城市。)

Learning English: Tips and Tricks for A1 Beginners
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