461 words
2 minutes
Day 72 of learning English

Dear Derick,

On the sixth day of your eleventh week, you should focus on reviewing all the vocabulary and phrases learned throughout the week and engaging in a comprehensive conversation with me, incorporating this week’s learning. Here’s your plan for the day:



  • Review Vocabulary: Go over all the new vocabulary and idiomatic expressions you’ve studied this week. This includes words related to employment, technology, daily life activities, and the idiomatic expressions you learned on Friday.
  • Self-Testing: Create a self-quiz or use flashcards to test your recall of the meanings and usage of these words and phrases.


  • Comprehensive Conversation: Engage in a detailed conversation with me, where you try to use as much of the week’s vocabulary as possible. This conversation can cover topics like your plans for the future, a recap of what you’ve learned about technology, or a discussion about your daily routine.
  • Feedback Session: After our conversation, we will review and discuss your usage of the vocabulary, providing feedback and areas for improvement.

Verification of Study Results:#

  • Vocabulary Recall: Your ability to recall and correctly use the vocabulary from the week will be assessed during our conversation.
  • Feedback Implementation: We will evaluate how well you’ve incorporated the feedback from previous days into your language use.

Remember, consistent review is crucial for retention, and practicing in conversation helps to solidify your learning. Keep up the good work, and let’s continue to push towards your goal of conversational fluency in English.

For Day 6 of Week 11, which is focused on reviewing and integrating the week’s learning, here are some specific English grammar topics you could focus on:

  1. Tenses: Understanding the correct usage of different tenses is crucial for clear and accurate communication. You can focus on the 12 tenses of English, their structures, and usage[5].
  2. Parts of Speech: Review the eight parts of speech in English - noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Understanding these will help you construct sentences correctly[5].
  3. Sentence Structure: Practice constructing different types of sentences - simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. This will enhance your ability to express complex ideas and relationships between ideas[3].
  4. Punctuation: Review the rules for using punctuation marks like commas, periods, semicolons, and quotation marks. Correct punctuation is essential for clarity and meaning in written English[2].
  5. Conjunctions and Transitions: Practice using conjunctions and transition words to connect ideas within and between sentences. This will improve the flow and coherence of your speech and writing[3].
  6. Idiomatic Expressions: Since you’ve been studying idioms this week, pay attention to the grammatical structures often used with these expressions. This will help you use them correctly in your own speech[1].

Remember, grammar is the backbone of any language. Understanding and correctly using English grammar rules will significantly improve your fluency and comprehension. Use the resources mentioned in the search results to guide your study and practice[1][2][3][5].

Best regards, Professor Judy

Citations: [1]

Day 72 of learning English
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