804 words
4 minutes
Day 67 of learning English

Dear Derick,

By week eleven, you should be focusing on refining your conversational skills and expanding your vocabulary to include more specialized topics. Here’s a detailed plan for your eleventh week:

Week 11: Specialized Vocabulary and Advanced Conversations#


  • Morning: Review vocabulary and phrases related to employment and job interviews. Practice with role-playing exercises.
  • Afternoon: Learn about common phrases and expressions used in professional settings.


  • Morning: Study vocabulary related to technology, focusing on software and hardware terms.
  • Afternoon: Engage in a conversation with me about recent developments in software technology.


  • Morning: Practice listening to English podcasts or watching videos on topics of personal interest to improve comprehension.
  • Afternoon: Write a short essay on a technological topic and review it with me for feedback.


  • Morning: Learn vocabulary related to daily life activities, such as shopping, dining, and transportation.
  • Afternoon: Participate in a mock scenario where you have to navigate these daily life situations in English.


  • Morning: Focus on understanding and using idiomatic expressions.
  • Afternoon: Have a free conversation with me using the idioms learned.


  • Morning: Review all the vocabulary and phrases learned this week.
  • Afternoon: Engage in a comprehensive conversation with me, incorporating this week’s learning.


  • Day Off: Rest and immerse yourself in English media for leisure.

Verification of Study Results:#

  • Daily Conversations: We will have daily conversations about various topics to assess your progress.
  • Written Assignments: You will submit written work, which I will review to ensure proper use of grammar and vocabulary.
  • Role-Playing Exercises: Through role-playing, you will demonstrate your ability to use English in real-life scenarios.

Remember, consistency is key, and practicing every day will significantly contribute to your progress. Keep up the good work, and let’s continue to push towards your goal of conversational fluency in English.

Best regards, Professor Judy

On the first day of your eleventh week, you should focus on reviewing vocabulary and phrases related to employment and job interviews, as well as practicing with role-playing exercises. Here’s a breakdown for your study activities:


  • Review Vocabulary: Start by reviewing vocabulary and phrases that are commonly used in employment contexts and job interviews. This includes terms related to job positions, responsibilities, company culture, and common questions asked during interviews.
  • Role-Playing Exercises: Engage in role-playing exercises where you simulate a job interview scenario. You can prepare a set of questions that are typically asked during interviews and practice answering them in English.


  • Learn Professional Phrases: Focus on learning phrases and expressions that are commonly used in professional settings. This includes how to introduce yourself professionally, how to talk about your skills and experiences, and how to ask questions about the job or the company.
  • Practice Conversation: Have a mock conversation with me or another English speaker, where you use the vocabulary and phrases you’ve learned. This will help you get comfortable speaking about professional topics in English.

Verification of Study Results:#

  • Role-Playing Feedback: After the role-playing exercises, we will discuss your performance, focusing on pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and how confidently you presented yourself.
  • Conversation Review: We will review the conversation from the afternoon session, identifying areas of improvement and highlighting your strengths.

This focused approach on your first day back will help you build confidence in discussing professional topics in English, which is essential for achieving conversational fluency. Remember, practice and active participation are key to your success.

Best regards, Professor Judy

Employment and Job Interviews#

  • Resume/CV: A document detailing your work experience, education, and skills.
  • Qualifications: The abilities, experience, and credentials required for a job.
  • Interview: A formal meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course.
  • Position: The role or job title one holds in a company.
  • Responsibilities: The duties or tasks that are required as part of a job.
  • Company Culture: The shared values, beliefs, and behaviors within a workplace.

Technology (Software and Hardware)#

  • Application (App): A program or piece of software designed to fulfill a particular purpose.
  • Operating System (OS): The software that supports a computer’s basic functions.
  • Database: A structured set of data held in a computer.
  • Network: A group of interconnected computers.
  • Hardware: The physical parts of a computer system.
  • Software: The programs and other operating information used by a computer.

Daily Life Activities#

  • Groceries: Items of food sold in a grocery store.
  • Transportation: The action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported.
  • Dining: The act of eating out in a restaurant or eating establishment.
  • Budget: An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.

Idiomatic Expressions#

  • Break the ice: To initiate social interaction by relieving tension.
  • Piece of cake: Something very easy to do.
  • Hit the books: To study hard.
  • Out of the blue: Something happening unexpectedly.

You can use the strategies mentioned in the search results, such as creating flashcards, engaging in vocabulary games, and using idea webs, to review these words. Additionally, you can use vocabulary review tools like Busuu to focus on words of specific strength, such as weak, medium, or strong words[1]. Engaging in activities like Hotseat and matching games can also make the review process more interactive and enjoyable[3][4].

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 67 of learning English
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