255 words
1 minutes
Day 59 of learning English

Dear Derick,

On the seventh day of the ninth week, we will focus on reviewing the material covered during the week and practicing conversational English through a discussion with me. Here’s your plan for the day:

Morning Session (1 hour):

  • Review the vocabulary, grammar structures, and concepts you’ve learned throughout the week. This includes the advanced vocabulary from Day 1, the passive voice from Day 2, listening comprehension from Day 3, speaking and role-play from Day 4, reading comprehension from Day 5, and the differences between formal and informal language from Day 6.
  • Prepare questions and topics for our conversation practice. You can include topics related to software technology, daily life, and work, as well as any other areas of interest.

Evening Session (1 hour):

  • Engage in a conversation with me about software technology, using the new vocabulary and grammar structures you’ve learned. We can also discuss topics from your daily life and work to practice conversational English in a variety of contexts.
  • I will provide feedback on your use of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation during our conversation.

Verification of Study Results:

  • I will assess your conversational skills and provide immediate feedback during our discussion. This will help you understand your progress and areas that may need more attention.

This day is important for consolidating your learning and gaining confidence in using English in real-life conversations. Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more you use the language, the more fluent you will become. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Citations: [1] [2] vocabulary [3] [4] [5]

Day 59 of learning English
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