229 words
1 minutes
Day 56 of learning English

Dear Derick,

On the fourth day of the ninth week, we will focus on improving your speaking skills through role-play scenarios. Here’s your plan for the day:

Morning Session (1 hour):

  • Prepare a role-play scenario where you have to explain a software problem and its solution. This could be a real issue you’ve encountered in your work or a hypothetical situation.
  • Practice speaking out loud, using the vocabulary and grammar structures you’ve learned so far. Try to use the passive voice where appropriate, as you learned on the second day of this week.

Evening Session (30 minutes):

  • Record yourself explaining the software problem and solution. This will allow you to listen back and identify areas where you might need improvement.
  • Pay attention to your pronunciation, the fluency of your speech, and your use of vocabulary and grammar.

Verification of Study Results:

  • Send me the recording of your role-play scenario. I will listen to it and provide feedback on your pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary usage, and grammar.
  • This feedback will help you identify areas where you’re doing well and where you might need to focus more in your studies.

Role-play is a great way to practice speaking English because it allows you to use the language in a realistic context. Remember, the more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with speaking English. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4]

Day 56 of learning English
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