245 words
1 minutes
Day 55 of learning English

Dear Derick,

On the third day of the ninth week, we will focus on improving your listening skills, particularly in the context of technology and software. Here’s your plan for the day:

Morning Session (1 hour):

  • Listen to podcasts or watch videos related to technology in English. You can find these on platforms like YouTube, Spotify, or dedicated tech websites. Try to choose content that is at your current language level or slightly above to challenge yourself.
  • As you listen or watch, focus on understanding the main ideas and identifying any new vocabulary. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything; the goal is to improve your ability to follow along and pick up the main points.

Evening Session (30 minutes):

  • Summarize the content of the podcast or video in English. This will help reinforce what you’ve learned and practice expressing ideas in your own words.
  • Look up any new words or phrases you encountered and add them to your vocabulary list.

Verification of Study Results:

  • Send me the summary you’ve written. I will review it to ensure you’ve understood the main points and provide feedback or corrections if necessary.
  • Also, share the new words or phrases you’ve learned. I can help explain any that you’re having trouble with.

Listening practice is crucial for developing your understanding of spoken English and getting used to different accents and speaking speeds. Remember, regular practice is key, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Citations: [1] [2] vocabulary [3] [4] [5]

Day 55 of learning English
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