514 words
3 minutes
Day 51 of learning English

On the sixth day of Week 8, you should focus on reading comprehension and writing skills. Here’s a detailed plan:

Reading Comprehension

  • Choose two English-language articles or blog posts related to software technology and daily life. Read each one carefully, trying to understand as much as possible.
  • Highlight or note down any new vocabulary or phrases you encounter and look up their meanings.

Writing Practice

  • Write a summary of each article or blog post in your own words. This will help you understand the main points and structure of the text.
  • Write a response or opinion about the topic of each article or blog post. This will help you practice expressing your thoughts in English.

Vocabulary Review

  • Review the vocabulary you’ve learned over the past five days. Try to identify and understand these words in the context of what you’ve read.
  • Use the new vocabulary in your writing exercises to reinforce your understanding and memory.

Grammar Practice

  • Identify and practice using any new grammar structures you’ve encountered in your reading. This could include different verb tenses, sentence structures, or punctuation rules.


  • At the end of the day, review your writing exercises. Check for correct usage of vocabulary and grammar, and make any necessary corrections.
  • If possible, have a native English speaker or tutor review your writing and provide feedback.

By engaging in these activities, you will enhance your reading comprehension and writing skills, expand your vocabulary, and improve your grammar, all of which are essential for achieving conversational fluency in English[1][4].

On the sixth day of Week 8, to practice using new words in sentences effectively, you can employ the following strategies:

  1. Spaced Repetition: Use the new words immediately, then try to recall and use them in sentences after an hour, before bed, the next day, and a few days later to reinforce retention[1].
  2. Record Your Speech: Talk about a topic and record your speech. Listen to the recording to see if you used any of the new words and identify opportunities to replace familiar words with new vocabulary. Then, make a new recording to see if there’s improvement[1].
  3. Play Word Games: Engage in vocabulary games like bingo, Pictionary, or charades using the new words. This helps reinforce the words in a fun and memorable way[2].
  4. Challenge Yourself: Try to use the new vocabulary in different contexts, such as at home or during other activities. Keep a vocabulary notebook to jot down when you use the words[2].
  5. Write Vocabulary Short Stories: Create short stories using the new words to show mastery and help remember them in context[4].
  6. Word of the Week: Focus on a few words each week and explore them in depth. Use them in different sentences each day to deepen your understanding[4].
  7. Million Dollar Word Club: Challenge yourself to use a new vocabulary word in class or daily conversation. Recognize each successful use as a personal achievement[4].
  8. Post-it Stations: Place vocabulary words around your study area and write original sentences using those words on sticky notes[4].

By integrating these strategies into your study routine, you will be able to practice and remember the new words more effectively, which will help you use them confidently in conversation.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 51 of learning English
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