190 words
1 minutes
Day 5 of learning English

Hello Derick,

Sure, here’s your study plan for the fifth day of the first week:

Day 5: Basic Questions and Responses#

Morning Session:

  • Start with a quick review of the alphabet, sounds, basic greetings, numbers, days of the week, common verbs, and subjects from the previous days.
  • Learn basic question words such as “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, and “how”. Practice pronouncing each word and writing it down.

Afternoon Session:

  • Learn how to form basic questions using the question words and verbs you’ve learned. For example, “What is your name?”, “Where are you from?”, “How are you?”.
  • Practice responding to these questions. For example, “My name is Derick”, “I am from China”, “I am good”.

Evening Session:

  • Review the question words, questions, and responses by quizzing yourself or using flashcards.
  • Write down the questions and responses in order and try to use them in a conversation.

Verification of Learning Results:#

  • Self-Recording: Record yourself asking and answering the questions to check your pronunciation.
  • Written Exercise: Write down the questions and responses from memory.
  • Practical Application: Have a simple conversation with me using the questions and responses you’ve learned.

Citations: [1] Students/Academic Resources/5 Day study plan.pdf [2] Day Study Plan.pdf [3] [4] [5]

Day 5 of learning English
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