522 words
3 minutes
Day 47 of learning English

On the second day of Week 8, you should continue with vocabulary building and review the material from the previous day. Here’s a detailed plan:

Vocabulary Building and Review

  • Start by reviewing the 25 new words you learned on Day 1, focusing on their meaning, usage, and pronunciation.
  • Learn another set of 25 new words related to software technology and daily life. Use the same methods as the previous day: flashcards, online vocabulary games, and quizzes.
  • Write new sentences with the newly learned words to reinforce their context and usage.

Active Learning Strategies

  • Engage in active learning strategies such as creating mind maps of the new vocabulary, grouping words by synonyms or topics, or using the words in a conversation with a study partner or language exchange friend.
  • Practice pronunciation of the new words, either with a language learning app that provides feedback or by recording yourself and listening to the playback.

Listening Practice

  • Listen to a different English podcast or watch a new video related to software technology and daily life. Pay attention to the usage of the new vocabulary in context.
  • Take notes on any additional new words or phrases you encounter and try to incorporate them into your vocabulary practice.

By the end of the day, you should have a solid understanding of the 50 words you’ve studied over the two days and be able to use them in context. This will prepare you for more advanced conversational practice in the following days.

Here are 25 new words for you to learn on the second day of Week 8:

  1. Incipient: beginning to come into being or to become apparent
  2. Posse: a group of people who were gathered together by a sheriff in the past to help search for a criminal
  3. Diligent: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort
  4. Skulk: to move or hide in a secret way especially because you are planning to do something bad
  5. Accolade: an expression of praise or admiration
  6. Circumspect: thinking carefully about possible risks before doing or saying something
  7. Retronym: a term consisting of a noun and a modifier which specifies the original meaning of the noun
  8. Ferret: to find and bring to light by searching
  9. Ominous: suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future
  10. Tenet: a belief or idea that is very important to a group
  11. Mangle: to spoil or ruin (something) with many mistakes
  12. Elysian: relating to or characteristic of heaven or paradise
  13. Gargoyle: a grotesquely carved figure of a human or animal
  14. Cosplay: the activity or practice of dressing up as a character from a work of fiction
  15. Oneiric: of or relating to dreams
  16. Bunkum: foolish or untrue words or ideas
  17. Whinge: to complain in an annoying way
  18. Axiomatic: self-evident or unquestionable
  19. Harangue: a lengthy and aggressive speech
  20. Kindred: one’s family and relations
  21. Conflate: to combine (two or more texts, ideas, etc.) into one
  22. Sarcasm: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny
  23. Unfettered: not controlled or restricted
  24. Capitulate: to stop fighting an enemy or opponent
  25. Inkling: a slight knowledge or suspicion; a hint[2].

Remember to understand the meaning, usage, and pronunciation of each word. Try to use them in sentences to better understand their context.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 47 of learning English
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