221 words
1 minutes
Day 46 of learning English

On the first day of Week 8, you should focus on vocabulary building. Here’s the detailed plan:

  • Learn about 25 new words related to software technology and daily life. You can use flashcards, online vocabulary games, and quizzes to help with this. Make sure you understand the meaning, usage, and pronunciation of each word[2].
  • Write sentences using the new words to better understand their context[2].
  • Listen to English podcasts or watch videos related to software technology and daily life. Try to understand the content and note down any new words or phrases. This will help improve your listening skills and expose you to different accents and speaking styles[1].

On the first day of Week 8, you should learn the following words:

  1. Emaciated: very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
  2. Surge: rise and move, as in waves or billows
  3. Aloof: not friendly or outgoing
  4. Cursory: done or made quickly
  5. Curtail: to shorten or reduce by cutting off the end or a part of
  6. Evident: clear to the sight or to the mind
  7. Juggernaut: something (such as a force, campaign, or movement) that is extremely large and powerful and cannot be stopped
  8. Minuscule: very small
  9. Mirth: happiness and laughter
  10. Nettle: to make (someone) angry[1][2][3].

Remember to understand the meaning, usage, and pronunciation of each word. Try to use them in sentences to better understand their context.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 46 of learning English
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