453 words
2 minutes
Day 42 of learning English

On the second day of Week 7, you can continue to focus on both vocabulary and grammar. Here’s a detailed plan:

Vocabulary Learning#

  1. Days of the Week: As per the search results, learning the days of the week is essential for any language learner. You can learn the seven days of the week through songs, games, and practice using them in sentences[1][2].
  2. Use Flashcards: Continue to use flashcards to study and memorize new words. You can add words related to the days of the week and common phrases used with them[1].
  3. Word of the Day: Continue with the “Word of the Day” series to learn new words[2].

Grammar Learning#

  1. Use Online Resources: Continue to use online resources for grammar exercises and explanations. You can focus on sentence construction using the days of the week[1][2].
  2. Practice Writing: Write sentences using the new vocabulary and grammar concepts you’ve learned. Try to use the days of the week in your sentences[1][2].

Verification of Study Results#

  1. Flashcard Tests: After studying the flashcards, test your memory by going through the flashcards again and trying to recall the meanings of the words[1].
  2. Writing Assessment: Assess your understanding of the new grammar concepts by checking if your sentences are grammatically correct.
  3. Conversation Practice: Practice using the new vocabulary and grammar concepts in conversations about daily life. This can be done with a language exchange partner, a tutor, or even a language learning app.

Remember, consistency is key in language learning. Try to dedicate a specific amount of time each day to studying English, and gradually increase the intensity of your studies as your proficiency improves.

Based on the search results, here are the specific words, phrases, and grammar concepts you should focus on for the second day of Week 7:


From the Quizlet flashcards[1][3], you should memorize the following words:

  1. Implacable
  2. Jurisdiction
  3. Paroxysm
  4. Harass
  5. Monolithic
  6. Indigent

Try to understand the meaning of each word, how it is used in a sentence, and its synonyms and antonyms if applicable.


From the daily language practice[2], you should focus on phrases that incorporate the vocabulary words you are learning. For example:

  1. “The judge has jurisdiction over these cases.”
  2. “The patient had a paroxysm of coughing.”
  3. “The company has a monolithic corporate culture.”


The grammar concept for this week is adverbs[5]. Adverbs are words that modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They often tell us how, when, where, why, or to what extent something happens or is done. For example:

  1. “He runs quickly.” (Here, “quickly” is an adverb modifying the verb “runs.”)
  2. “She is extremely happy.” (Here, “extremely” is an adverb modifying the adjective “happy.”)

You should focus on understanding what adverbs are, how they are used in sentences, and how they can change the meaning of a sentence. Practice identifying adverbs in sentences and using them in your own writing.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 42 of learning English
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