465 words
2 minutes
Day 39 of learning English

Dear Derick,

On the sixth day of Week 6, to effectively consolidate your learning of vocabulary and grammar, you should engage in the following activities:

Vocabulary Learning

  1. Review: Start by reviewing the words you have learned throughout the week. This helps reinforce your memory and understanding of the words[1].
  2. Vocabulary Games: Engage in vocabulary games such as Trashketball, Pop, or Charades to make the review process fun and interactive. Games can help solidify your recall of the words in an enjoyable way[1].
  3. Self-Assessment: Use a self-assessment scale to gauge your comfort level with each word. This will help you identify which words you need to spend more time on[3].
  4. Use in Context: Try to use the new vocabulary in conversations or writing exercises. This practical application helps integrate the words into your active vocabulary[3].

Grammar Learning

  1. Grammar Review: Review the past perfect and future perfect tenses that you have been practicing. Go over your notes and example sentences to reinforce your understanding[5].
  2. Grammar Exercises: Complete grammar exercises that challenge you to use the past perfect and future perfect tenses in context. This could include fill-in-the-blank activities or sentence rewriting[5].
  3. Practical Application: Use the grammar points in speaking or writing. Create scenarios where you would naturally use these tenses, such as describing past experiences or future plans[5].
  4. Peer Review: If possible, have a study partner or tutor review your sentences to provide feedback. This can help you correct any mistakes and improve your usage of the grammar points[5].

By engaging in these activities, you will reinforce the vocabulary and grammar you have learned throughout the week, making it easier to remember and use them correctly in conversation.

Dear Derick,

On the sixth day of Week 6, here are the new words and grammar points you should focus on:

Vocabulary Learning

Based on the vocabulary list provided in the search results[5], here are 20 new words you should learn:

  1. Ambiguous
  2. Complement
  3. Discrepancy
  4. Fluctuate
  5. Inhibit
  6. Predominant
  7. Subsequent
  8. Accumulate
  9. Constrain
  10. Diminish
  11. Emerge
  12. Inevitable
  13. Preliminary
  14. Summarize
  15. Adjacent
  16. Commodity
  17. Discrete
  18. Exclude
  19. Inherent
  20. Prospect

For each word, understand its meaning, pronunciation, and usage in a sentence. You can use the context clues provided in the sentences from the vocabulary list[5] to understand how each word is used.

Grammar Learning

On the sixth day, continue with the future perfect continuous tense. This tense is used to describe an action that will begin in the future and is expected to continue until some time in the future[2][3]. Practice constructing sentences using this tense, such as “By the end of this year, I will have been studying English for 12 months.”

Also, introduce the past perfect continuous tense. This tense is used to describe an action that began and continued in the past until another action occurred[2][3]. Practice constructing sentences using this tense, such as “I had been studying English for two hours when Judy called.”

Remember to review these words and the grammar point several times throughout the day to help you remember them.

Best, Judy

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 39 of learning English
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