315 words
2 minutes
Day 26 of learning English

On the sixth day of the fourth week, your learning tasks should focus on speaking skills and practicing the present simple tense with adverbs of frequency. Here’s a specific plan for the day:

Speaking Skills#

  • Practice speaking English out loud. This could be through having a conversation with a language exchange partner, speaking to yourself, or repeating phrases from English media.
  • Focus on using the vocabulary and grammar you’ve learned this week in your conversations.


  • Review the 40 words you’ve learned this week. Practice their pronunciation and usage in sentences.


  • Continue practicing the present simple tense, focusing on forming negative sentences and questions. Also, practice using adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never) in sentences.
    • Example: “I always check my emails in the morning.” “Does he often work late?”


  • Create sentences using the vocabulary you’ve learned, incorporating adverbs of frequency and the present simple tense.
  • Try to use the new grammar and vocabulary in your spoken English practice.


  • To verify your study results, you will be asked to use the vocabulary and grammar you’ve learned in conversation. You should also be able to respond to questions and express your ideas using the present simple tense and adverbs of frequency[1][2].

On the sixth day of the fourth week, you should continue to review and practice the vocabulary you’ve learned throughout the week. Here are some specific words to focus on:

Software Technology:

  1. Algorithm
  2. Application
  3. Code
  4. Database
  5. Encryption
  6. Hardware
  7. Interface
  8. Network
  9. Platform
  10. Software
  11. Bug
  12. Compiler
  13. Debug
  14. Firewall
  15. Framework
  16. Frontend
  17. Backend
  18. Server
  19. Query
  20. Variable

Daily Life: 21. Breakfast 22. Supermarket 23. Exercise 24. Transportation 25. Restaurant 26. Appointment 27. Weekend 28. Family 29. Weather 30. Schedule 31. Grocery 32. Laundry 33. Commute 34. Hobby 35. Vacation 36. Meeting 37. Deadline 38. Traffic 39. Recipe 40. Chores

For grammar, continue to focus on the present simple tense and the use of adverbs of frequency. Practice forming positive, negative sentences, and questions in the present simple tense. Also, practice using adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never) in sentences[1][2][3][4][5].

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 26 of learning English
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