409 words
2 minutes
Day 25 of learning English

On the fifth day of the fourth week, your learning tasks should focus on reading comprehension and practicing the present simple tense with adverbs of frequency. Here’s a specific plan for the day:

Reading Comprehension#

  • Read English articles or blog posts related to software technology. This will help you understand how the vocabulary and grammar you’ve learned are used in context.
  • Try to understand the main ideas and details of what you read. Write down new words and phrases, and look up their meanings.


  • Review the 40 words you’ve learned in the past four days. Practice their pronunciation and usage in sentences.


  • Continue practicing the present simple tense, focusing on forming negative sentences and questions. Also, practice using adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never) in sentences.
    • Example: “They never miss a deadline.” “Do you always commute to work?”


  • Create sentences using the vocabulary you’ve learned, incorporating adverbs of frequency and the present simple tense.
  • Try to read out loud the articles or blog posts you’ve read. This will help improve your pronunciation and intonation.


  • To verify your study results, you will be asked to use the vocabulary and grammar you’ve learned in conversation or written exchange. You should also be able to summarize the main ideas of the articles or blog posts you’ve read[1][2].

On the fifth day of the fourth week, you should continue to focus on the present simple tense and the use of adverbs of frequency. Here are some specific topics to focus on:

  1. Present Simple Tense: Continue practicing forming positive, negative sentences, and questions in the present simple tense. Pay attention to the third person singular form, which requires an -s or -es ending for the verb[4].
  2. Adverbs of Frequency: These adverbs indicate how often an action occurs. They include words like always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, and never. Practice using these adverbs in sentences with the present simple tense[4].
  3. Time Adverbials: Learn about time adverbials like “at seven o’clock”, “in 1998”, “last Saturday”, and “in five minutes”. These can be used with the present simple tense to talk about routines and habits[5].
  4. Parts of Speech: Review the different parts of speech in English, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. Understanding the function of each part of speech can help you construct sentences correctly[1].

Remember to practice these grammar topics by creating your own sentences and doing grammar exercises. You can also read English texts and identify examples of these grammar points in context[4].

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 25 of learning English
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