237 words
1 minutes
Day 18 of learning English

Hello Derick,

Based on the search results, here’s what you should focus on today:


  • Task: Learn 10 new words related to time management and planning. Here are your words:
    1. Prioritize
    2. Deadline
    3. Schedule
    4. Task
    5. Assignment
    6. Progress
    7. Productive
    8. Reminder
    9. Organize
    10. Plan
  • Acceptance Standard: Be able to correctly use each word in a sentence that relates to time management or planning.


  • Task: Practice forming sentences in the ‘going to’ future tense, focusing on affirmative, negative, and question forms.
    • Structure: “Am/Is/Are + subject + going to + base verb”
    • Example: “Are you going to complete the assignment by the deadline?”
  • Acceptance Standard: Write 5 affirmative, 5 negative, and 5 interrogative sentences using the ‘going to’ future tense with the vocabulary you’ve learned.

Reading and Comprehension:#

  • Task: Read an article or a professional email that includes plans or arrangements for the future.
  • Acceptance Standard: Identify and write down 5 sentences from the text that use the ‘going to’ future tense.


  • Task: Write a short paragraph outlining your plans for the next week, using the ‘going to’ future tense and incorporating today’s vocabulary.
  • Acceptance Standard: The paragraph should clearly state your intentions and use the correct tense and vocabulary.

Speaking and Listening:#

  • Task: Watch the provided YouTube video on grammar activities for question formation in the ‘going to’ future tense[5].
  • Acceptance Standard: Be able to form and answer questions in the ‘going to’ future tense during our conversation.

Remember to review your work at the end of the day to ensure you’ve met the acceptance standards for each task.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 18 of learning English
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