176 words
1 minutes
Day 11 of learning English

Sure, Derick. Here’s your study plan for the fourth day of this week. This day, we’ll focus on further expanding your vocabulary and introducing the past continuous tense.

Morning Session: Vocabulary Building

  • Review the words you learned the previous day.
  • Learn 10 new words related to travel and transportation.
  • Practice using these words in sentences.

Afternoon Session: Grammar - Past Continuous Tense

  • Learn the structure of the past continuous tense.
  • Practice making sentences using the past continuous tense, incorporating the new words you learned in the morning session.

Evening Session: Listening and Speaking Practice

  • Listen to a simple English conversation or story. Try to identify the new words and the usage of the past continuous tense.
  • Practice speaking by retelling the story or conversation. Record your speech for self-assessment.

End of Day Review

  • Review the day’s learning. Write down any questions or difficulties you encountered.

Remember, practice is key when learning a new language. Try to use the new words and grammar rules in your daily life. You can also use language learning apps or websites for additional practice.

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Day 11 of learning English
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